Friday, February 09, 2007

tuna fish

I've been dreaming a lot lately , it's nice as I went through a year of murky figures, washes of grey . . . nothing was really concrete or memorable in my dreams. It was kind of depressing as since as far back as I can remember I have had really bitching dreams, I've been John Luc Bacard, I fought Godzilla, my best friend was impregnated by Tony Danza and danced with My Little Ponys . . . pretty much amazing!

I started dreaming again, or at least, remembering my dreams. However, what is fascinating about my latest bout of dreams is they are all so vivid and real. I dream of my cat. My little nona cat visits me every night, it's an utterly ordinary but truly wonderful. The stuff that dreams should be made of.

Goddammit I miss that crazy old cat.

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