Tuesday, October 03, 2006

this originates from the heart

So my mom has decided to nickname me "poot fruit" which is unsettling and creepy . . . it's derived from the phrase "fruit of my loins" and it's reason 1 bazillion hundred why my mom is the coolest muthafucker in the world.

I haven't posted in two weeks because I haven't done anything except for cram more Persian into my brain . . . oh that and I have developed an obsession with cutting my bangs. I've cut them 3 times in the last 2 days . . . I'll have a mullet by Saturday! Neat!

. . . I need a life.

At least I have Jason Collett on Friday and a bright mullet-alious future to look forward to this week! le sigh. Also maybe I will take photos at Jason Collett so that my site isn't riddled with photos of me. Alas, until that time I present you with this gem . . . BANGS!!!

Khodau Hafez bitches!!


Keltie said...

Nice cleavage shot, chershey. I must be rubbing off on you.


Варвара said...


chelsey said...

heyyy bitchface! when are you going to be back for christmas?! WHEN SHALL I ARRANGE THE SMELLY FEET PARADE!?!