Tuesday, June 06, 2006

i loves you devil

Hallo my brothers, I have returned to my darling internet and its whoring cousin cable TV. Amazing! My time away was spent doing great and wonderous things. Namely, I was tanning and reading JPod with psychotic fervour after which I have spent several hours convincing myself that I am not a high-functioning autistic. Ohhh the psychosis that ensued. THANK YOU Doug Coupland!!

Honestly, I still haven't quite convinced myself that I am not, in fact, autistic. Extreme dislike of personal contact, hyperacuity, facial blindness . . . oh the list goes on my friends.

I have decided that today I shall rededicate my blog to the devil in honour of 6/6/6. That and also, I am preparing a CD of the greatest songs devoted to the devil of which I will blast as I wander the streets aimlessly. Ohh yes, I shall shout at the devil . . . or at the very least, my creepy neighbour with his small, small dog.

1 comment:

Captain Rocket said...

Hail Satan!