Wednesday, August 31, 2005

cauliflower with me s'il vous plait

Oh my brothers, today was passed with the lamest of ease. The majority of my day was spent running around the house in a wife-beater and my underwear singing 'Golddigger' at the top of my lungs . . . when Monsieur Kanye demands you to 'go ahead girl go ahead get down', goddammit, you muthafucking get down. It is quite possible that every person in a 10 block radius is completely sick of that song because of me. It's a feat I am rather proud of.

Aside from the sheer jackassery, I spent the rest of the day devouring the history of Islamic and Christaindom wars . . . oh delicious nerditry. I'm sure sometime in the not so distant future, I'll have to leave my house, perhaps, when the Kanye West Well of Happiness drys up.

Pip Pip!

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