Wednesday, August 10, 2005

a faux goodtime

So last night's debotchery was fun and goodtimes! Unfortunetely, the hangover is one mean muthafucker! I am like a blanket-yeti . . . me and my hordes of blankets move from random place to random place only to nap or have some form of nourishment. But luck is on my side, I learned many a good things last night so this hangover isn't for nothing. For example, never bear the gift of Chungking Express as entertainment, especially when the host has no means of procurring a VHS player. As well, boys will resort to lies and slander to win the simplest of movie trivia games. One particularly malicious boy resorted to the lowest of the low in order to win a friendly game, he made the mutherfucking film up! I shank people for less!! And most importantly, and the reason for the yeti-ness, is that wine is one mean muthafucker.

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