Wednesday, April 20, 2005

i heart stalin


The history exam went smashingly . . . apart from one minor rant in essay form about how great the Soviets are. I mean, really, it's takes a real man (A Man of Steel, one might say) to sacrifice 43,000,000 people, all in the name of protecting the regime!! HOLYCRAP!! Stalin, could you possibly be the sexiest bitch evah?! I think so.

So now that the doom that is my history exam is over, me thinks I shall spend the day rocking out to nerdy music and watching an obsecene amount of movies. Sure I could do the logical thing and study for my next exam but that elimanates the fun of it all!!

I heart cramming. It fills my heart with glee . . . and an impending sense of doom.

It's nerd time!

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