Friday, July 29, 2005

oh be joyful

Last night was bloody brilliant my brothers! Matthew Good played Telus Stage at Klondike Days last night and being the crazy little fan girl that I am, I was in attendance. The greatest bit of it all was that The Mombles agreed to accompany me, she finally got to witness the patented Matthew Good head waggle of herself . . . it's pretty much amazing!

Before the concert, me and The Mombles walked the exhibition. By mother's demand, every greasy food was to be sampled, savoured and enjoyed . . . it was less strolling the grounds and more so eating our way through virtual abby of deep-fried delights. Oh ho ho my brothers, it started with an elephant ear and only went downhill from there. Soon the telltale sign of too much food fun was beginning to rear it's ugly head - I had a killer stomach-ache.

To avoid me vomitting at the fair and my mother's inate capacity to find every sort of food and make me eat it, we decided to take in a show (which was thankfully food-free with the exception of the stall popcorn). What we sat down to was, quite possibly, the most retarded thing I had ever seen. It was like the Marvel Hair College of Cirque de Soliel and only a bazillion times more cheesy . . . and only to worsen matters was that there was a mime between acts. A very crappy mime indeed. Throughout the entire show me and The Mombles searched the rows of seats around us for an escape . . . there was none. To prevent the onset of a food coma we spent our time mocking the show in such crude ways that the lady in front of us looked like she wanted to light our hair on fire. Whatevs, the show must go on and we were getting restless. So onward bounds to more food consumption!

Having run out of things to eat and my stomach reaching maximum capacity, it was time for my pyschosis to have it's time to shine! It was nearing 6:30 when we finally walked towards the Telus stage. I have this thing about waiting in lines for concerts . . . if I don't get to wait, I feel insane and twitchy, it's a simple must-do in my concert routine. Typically, I like a good 9 hour wait (granted no one else is ever there and there everyone thinks I'm insane but it's cathartic) and the mere 2 hour wait ahead of me had put in me quite the state. I was dizzy with excitment and completely frantic. The wait was painful . . . I couldn't move because I was waiting for my Matt Good buddies to show. Sean, Chad and Aaron are always at the Edmonton shows and we formed a bond over our mutual obsession. My favorite part about the boys is that they have admitted that I reign supreme as the numbro 1 pyscho Matt Good fan and they only fight amongst themselves for position 2 & 3.

At 8:30 my legs were twitching and all I wanted to do was stand at the covetted front of stage area were a wobby picket fence was set up to help contain the crowd (great fucking idea might I add, it was at an diagonial for most of the show). Unfortunetely, standing wasn't allowed until 9 o'clock. At 8:50 I'd had enough and nonchalantly swaggered my way up to the fence . . . this caused a riot as people began to rush the stage, amongst those were my mom, Sean and Aaron. They secured themselves besides me and we braced ourselves against any attempts to steal our spots. Sean looked over at me and grinned, "Wow! You control the alley at shows and now you cause a riot!! How do you control the crowd like that?!" It's sheer talent my friend.

The show began on time, starting with Sean's favorite song, so he was beyond thrilled and I was giddy just seeing Matthew Good & co perform. The greatest was when The Mombles stopped her rocking out and crammed kleenex into her ears and then preceeded to rock out like it ain't no thang! The show was amazing, the crowd wasn't too rowdy (despite all the beer I knew was sloushing around behind us), and it had stopped raining . . . the concert Gods were in a great mood that night.

All of this lead up to the greatest moment, the band was still and a great hum came out of the speakers. I knew this song, and looking at Sean and Aaron's grins, they did too. At the same time in crazy fangirl mode, we all screamed "Advertising on Police Cars" and started to grin like fools. Oh my brothers it was so good, so very good. Everytime you here an Audio of Being song you cherish it, because they were so rarely played in the past. Police Cars was amazing, the crowd slowed their crazy jumping and gave into a gentle sway . . . it was fanfuckingtastic! The rest of the night was a blur as nothing could beat hearing such a great song live, it was beautiful. Holypiss!

The concert ended on a familar note, Apparitions. Which was accoustical and brilliant, a great way to end the evening. After begging for a set list (which I got!), me and my cohorts happily stumbled off into the night. There we were met by a very long and winding line . . . Matt Good was signing autographs for everyone in line. Mom looked pleadingly at me as I dragged her into the line, she was a very tired mother at this point. After many threats and curses, she finally conceded to hanging out with me and the boys for autographs. Matt couldn't of been more gracious, he was so polite to my mom it was hilarious! She walked up all brazon and handed him a piece of paper to sign. "Matt you ROCKED tonight!" and it was followed by a polite thank you. Oh ho ho the Mombles had warned me she was a slutty groupie near rockstars, they brought out the worst in her, but she carried herself well. I got to say my typical hello and awkward handshake and had to move on, as I would not be capable to maintain my conposure long.

After the meeting, we all prepared to part ways vowing to hang out at the next show. Being nerds we all did the 'go team' hand-thingy . . . it was pathetically fun! Basically after all of this, I'm trying express the fact that it was the night of awesomeness. Mr Matthew Good always manages to please!

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