Sunday, December 04, 2005

i am the fucking kildeer

Ohhhh today will be a day of glory . . . it's my first day off in like forevah!! To ensure that I fully utilize this awesomeness, I am filling my day with my most favoritest things: Kenny vs. Spenny, some hardy rock out time has been booked and best of all The Grand Bazaar is today. Basically, I am an exicted girl enjoying the sheer awesomeness of slackassery.

This week I was on the cusp of zombification, I don't think I have ever been so bloody wore out. Needless to say, many a good times came out of this . . . mostly me sobbing at the most inapproperiate moments. I choked on a mint, my coffee tasted bad and we were out of pita shells, all of which were followed a brief pitiful bout of amazingness! Honestly, me and sleep deprivation are a match made in heaven.

HOLYPISS!!! Kenny and Spenny are making out and I have a Bazaar to attend too!! Peace out muthafuckers!

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