Monday, November 28, 2005

here lies the remains of my academic glee

bleh. My brain is one paper away from a serious implosion bit . . . it's been way too active up there as of late, and it's not the fun type of crazy ADD/zombie thoughts either but the sodding wretched academic type. Ohhh I swear that after I hand in this paper tomorrow I am going to go drinking, oh ho ho I will drink myself into a fucking coma or whatevs.

Don't fret my friends, it's not like I'll be drinking alone, my good friend Henrique, the small swarmy French man that urges me to drink at frequent intervals, will be there. Naturally, no one else will see him, but trust me, he's there and he's insulting every last one of you . . . it's not his fault, he's French. Ha! I heart my imaginary French man!



chelsey said...

ha! I am done with this sodding paper!! It's the last paper I will have to write this term (with the exception of finals) . . . I am going to fucking drink all my brain away!

*does a happy dance*

Keltie said...

Henrique is FRENCH???? That'stoo conventional for Chelsey...then again, my small imaginary drinking buddy is suspiciously like Carrie Bradshaw.