Thursday, April 06, 2006

i am a superhero

So I have decided that I am going to learn how to ride a bike again this summer. Ohhh it has been years, mon freres. For those who say it's "just like riding a bike" with all sorts of mundane whatevs . . . fuck you!! Those things are sodding death traps, and yet, I am oddly intrigued to have something mobile with a cheesy basket. Ohh yes there will be a basket or sweet, sweet death.

I will apologize to my femur now because I'm fairly certain there is going to be some breaking or snapping goodtimes. Le sigh.



Anonymous said...

I did that last year, I bought a fancy new bike and everything and I was walking it across the street to be "mr. safety" and my pants got caught in bike and I tripped and fell and now I have a scar and everyone laughed at me.

chelsey said...

le sigh, i am convinced that my fate shall be far worse. picture a chainsaw juggling act gone horribly wrong . . . now add more blood. that's the picture i'm probably going to paint with my face and the gravel.

hallo!! graphic!

Captain Rocket said...

Chicks dig scars...right?

Oh wait, chicks dig the car. Thanks, Batman!