Monday, May 08, 2006

drunklor vs tokyo

Ohh my brothers, I am filled with nerdy glee!! Tonight I shall rent movies of sappy greatness . . . perhaps that will mean a little something I like to call "The Notebook". Oh ho ho!! Sappiness indeed! Most likely I'll get there and be filled with too much embrassment and just get something indie and amazing. That or I'll do some sewing or whatevs. ADD is fun for the whole family!

I think I am shooting for wholesome bits because of the drunkeness of this weekend, it's that whole attempt to put the universe into balance or whatevs. I was around abounds on Saturday getting a whole lot of drunk in celebration of Neville Helmet Hotbottom. Needless to say, I drank . . . A LOT!! Perhaps the greatest part was me screaming at Beau's band about the end of Suffragette City . . . Duuuude, you HAVE to scream 'suffragette' like one mean muthafucker or it's lacking a whole lot of awesome. Naturally, I discussed this matter with the band with elegance and grace. That or it was me leaning over in a drunken mess and talked/yelled at Beau.

At this point I think I was screaming about the Olive Garden based exclusively on the Principal Skudworth hand gesture.

Je regrette.


Варвара said...

I am sorry I was unable to come party with you, despite that alluring phonecall, but karaoke ran later than anticipated!

Keltie said...

It's true. You were.

It was also fucking hilarious.

Loves it!
