Wednesday, May 03, 2006

jungle fevah!

Do you know what is amazing and fantastical??!!? When your sodding computer crashes just as you're about to press the 'publish post' button . . . fuck you irony!! This is just adding to my general PMS rage. Oh yes and raging indeed!!

Soooo here we go again . . . attempt to post number 2:

Today anything that came within a 5 meter radius of me was declared an enemy and they had to die. Ohhh poor mombles, she had the misfortune of shopping with me and my sheer assery . . . I almost cried in aisle 6 over her selection of bread. It was round, whereas, I prefer the goodtimes of the traditional rectangle loaf. Round loafs are for misfits and hobos!

Aside from wishing sweet, sweet death on anything that fucking moved, I spent my day planning my trip to New York. Everything is quasi-prepared, you know, except for the money bit and the actually getting there . . . minor details really! Mostly I am excited for when I get there, I am starting my month-long stay in the Chelsea district. I am starting there in the hopes of snagging me a gay boyfriend, then my lifelong dream of checking out guys with another guy can be fulfilled!! Fun and goodtimes abounds!! In my head my new boyfriend is french and carries a bagette with him EVERYWHERE!!

I shall name him Pierre and he is snippy and I love him.


Keltie said...

The world of PMS is a wonderful one, is it not? Yes yes, poor Geoff had to cope very closely with my own "round bread" incident.

Yippe for being female!

chelsey said...

merci beaucoup mon fere! i am pretty much awesome/egotistical.

le sigh