Sunday, February 26, 2006

solid gold dancers

Oh my . . . the upcoming arts vs crafts show promises to be pretty much amazing. Just look at some of the greatness!!!

I am jealous of these people. God dammit! Must be less lame in the future and far more artsy chic. Whatevs.

something better

Oh the goodtimes . . . I have been vomitting for the last 30 minutes. Two squares of chocolate and sweet, sweet death. Ohh lactose, ours is a bittersweet love.

Fuck. I don't think the chocolate is through raping my intestines.

Ha! Too much detail is fun and goodtimes. You're jealous.

. . . also it appears that I have offended Raymi. Oh yes, my social ineptitude reigns victorious once again!! Wonderful. Curse you late adolescent awkwardness; I'm 21, I'm supposed to be past this point.

This is Raymi the Pony . . . she is bipolar and awesome and I love her.

raising the roof

I am pretty much the coolest person I know . . . the Italian / Russian ballerina tourists also thought that I was awesome.


It was around the point of taking this picture that I realized that I am in tick country . . . panic set in, running like a banshee ensued.

we were like awesome

Again with the cool and whatnot.

So Fairmount was pretty much fun and goodtimes abounds . . . oh my brothers there was a lot of rum consumed and raising of the roof. I think it would be safe to wager that everyone at the condo complex thought that I was either autistic or incredibly cool . . . my money is on the whole awesome bit. Ha! As I am totally lazy and still technically on vacation for another 9 hours and 28 minutes, I present to you highlights in point form . . . oh yes laziness indeed!!

-If ever in Fairmount, or passing by, or generally, just want to be cool, visit Funtasia. The name alone commands that a goodtime must be had . . . oh ho ho, it delivered. Funtasia is like the Captain Picard of my heart. Namely, there were goats and ponies and llamas or whatevs, so my ADD and quota for miniature things were fully satisfied. The best was naming the two shetland ponies that didn't completely hate me and the Schmeltrex . . . we named them raymi and px because that's what all the cool kids do. Also maybe they were named as such because one was bipolar and crazy, and the other was too cool for muthafucking school. I heart them. What is really great is that the retardation that ensued is perminately emblazed in some poor Italian tourists video . . . je regret le retardation.

-Following that goodtime, me and schmeltie headed off to the ancient bathhouses . . . needless to say, I looked pretty much super awesome when I rolled up my pants and squelled like a banshee at the sight of all the sulphur and filmy grossiness. Once again my cool was captured by the Italian tourists . . . me and schmelt were practically a tourist attraction ourselves.

-Also I learned that a girl can never have enough of rum and the OC. The two together was a Christmas day miracle and happiness pie all in one! It's okay to be jealous.

-When I am drinking I should avoid karoke at all costs . . . the lure to sing "Ziggy Stardust" or "Float On" at the local Bigway Bar was almost overwhelming. Fortunetely, I have fiends like schmeltie and lava to shame me just enough to convince me that singing would be a very bad thing. le sigh. Someday, perhaps, the karoke star that is lurking within me will get it's time to shine.

I grow tired of this list, that and I hear the siren song of an old-lady nap. Whatevs.

9 hours and 5 minutes. Peace out.

Friday, February 17, 2006

the travelling gongshow

Hallo my brothers. Oh I am a excited girl, tomorrow I head off to a grand adventure in Fairmount with schmeltrex, lava and perhaps plus one. It's pretty much going to be fun and goodtimes abounds . . . namely, drinking, hot tubs, reading and zelda. All my favorite things!! oh my.

Basically today I have discovered that I am a packing diva. Ohhh yes, I am always and forever doomed to overpack like a crazy banshee . . . I blame it on my mother for not hugging me enough as a child. Also, I have decided that I hate writing historical book reviews, they are a complete waste of my precious energy and put me in a mood to start kickin things!! I swear if I ever see Fiona Watson on the streets of Glasgow, or whatevs, Ima cut her!! I heart ADD.

Take care my lovelies, I shall return in a week.


Wednesday, February 15, 2006

i'll bring the sun

Ohh my brothers I found out that Jason Collett is coming to town on March 24 . . . Good month indeed!!! FANTASTIC!

Also, I am so cold I feel the need to have my third shower of the day . . . ohhh warmth how I miss you so.

oh it's a christmas day miracle!!

HOLYPISS!!! The Matthew Good Acoustic Tour of Sunshine and Miracles (perhaps I made up the tour name . . . perhaps) is in March!! That pretty much makes me a happy girl . . . actually, it makes me a ridicious overwhelmingly happy girl. Currently, I look like a creepy grinning fool, my smile splits the coast in half.

March shall be a good month for concert amazingness!! So now there's Matthew Good at the end of March to add to the list of Moneen and The Most Serene Republic . . . oh yes, more concerts please!!

So that pretty much completes my day of goodtimes, everything else shall be gravy. I just returned from a happy jaunt down Whyte Ave and despite the numbing weather, I had funness abounds. Ohh bless my new orange faux Uggs, from the ankle down was the only warm part of my body. Oh ho ho, they are tacky and delicious and you are jealous. Also, they are so awesome they could even destroy God in a kick fight (so clearly, Chad, you wouldn't of had a flippin chance!).

On my jaunt not only did I find lactose-free chocolate (joys!) and the most amazing shoes quite possibly EVAH!! They are called "I Am A Twin" and I love them with all my heart and soul but seeing as how I am going to be out of a job right away, and therefore, I will be out of money, I can't seem to justify it. Basically, what I am getting at is that some random stranger who wants to be my new best friend should really go and buy those bloody shoes in a size 9!! Merci beaucoup!

. . . I feel like everything I have written is nonsensical today. Me thinks it's because I am so bloody cold that I can't feel my limbs. My limbs, I need those . . . oh the humanity!

Tuesday, February 14, 2006

it's the beating of the hideous heart

Happy Valentine's Day friends and lovers!!

Saturday, February 11, 2006

ohhhh yes

je regret

mountain man

Ohhh duuuuude!! I should totally of been born a mountain man . . . I have the hair!! Just look at it, all I need is a parka and the set of Fargo and I'm muthafucking Brakhage!!! The only difference between me and Brakhage is I won't be a crazy banshee and make films with tape and moths. Horrifying indeed.

Last night I dreamt that I was Tom Hanks and I was skipping after a defecating hippopotamus . . . explain that Freud!!! HOLYPISS!!

Schmeltie for the love of god don't click on that link!!!

Tuesday, February 07, 2006

fuck you obo

This insanely creepy music is floating up the stairs from the basement and is haunting me everywhere I go upstairs. Seriously, I'm convinced there is a small musically-challenged basement monster jamboree occurring right beneath me. Ohhh you should see the little muthafucker that plays the obo, he's flippin' awesome!

I am incredibly wigged out by the music right now. I'd go find the source of the mysterious music but I've pretty much convinced myself that if I do so it will lead to my death or whatevs. So play on!! Also, maybe, I'm avoiding writing a paper on colonialism and it's impact on identity. It's more like colonialism and it's impact on BORING me because I am sick of writing every flippin paper on it. Sometimes I miss the days on researching amphibious landings in WWII and the goodtimes that produced. le sigh.

The music is still playing. Oh my.

Monday, February 06, 2006

jesus powers the internet

paper > sleep says:

what are you doing up at this hour?

chelsaurus rex says:

being a nerd . . . 5 minutes to kill before bus goodtimes

paper > sleep says:

You are just jealous because I am going to be student teaching in a CHRISTIAN classroom!

chelsaurus rex says:


paper > sleep says:

I got up early so I could phone the teacher before school to make sure I don't have to teach religionnnnnnnnnn...

paper > sleep says:

Me: And then um... God did stuff... and it was good?

chelsaurus rex says:

that is good/funny

chelsaurus rex says:


paper > sleep says:

My born again Christian classmate was all "GOD WANTS YOU TO TEACH IN THAT CLASSROOM!!"

paper > sleep says:


chelsaurus rex says:

ohhh I would have gone all eric bana . . . but I have a rage issue

chelsaurus rex says:

if it makes you feel any better I had to write a paper last night discussing the proof of God WITHOUT sarcasm. Yes yess motion clearly is facillitated by god!!

chelsaurus rex says:


paper > sleep says:

Didn't you know?? The internet is powered by GOD!

chelsaurus rex says:


paper > sleep says:

You're not plugging into a computer, you're plugging into JESUS

Sunday, February 05, 2006

curse you aquinas!!

I've spent the entire day reading philosophical proofs for the existence of God . . . excuse me while I smash my face against the wall ad infinitum. HOLYPISS!! All I've learned is that philosophers are fucking psychos. Fuck you and your circular arguments Thomas Aquinas!!!


Saturday, February 04, 2006

all this nerditry

Oh my brothers, I have had a week of awesomeness. It was International Week at the University, which means that the school hosts tons of events and goodtimes all to raise awareness about human rights. Truly, it made me proud to go to a school that puts in such effort to discuss and question issues of development and global citizenship and what not . . . ohh yes, cheesy sentiment indeed!

Anyways, I spent my week going to an obscene amount of lectures. I think I clocked in approximately 12 hours of additional lectures above my typical school week . . . oh yes, geekiness abounds. But here's the part that I love about all this nerditry, I feel so rejuvenated!! There were so many people there that had taken a similar path in academia as I currently am . . . they were out and making a difference through education and action. What more could a girl ask for?! Dang! I just feel pretty much awesome right now. I heart International Week.

Ha! I'm off to go take pictures and whatevs. When I return I shall be reading till my crazy heart is content. I shall rue the day!!!