Saturday, February 04, 2006

all this nerditry

Oh my brothers, I have had a week of awesomeness. It was International Week at the University, which means that the school hosts tons of events and goodtimes all to raise awareness about human rights. Truly, it made me proud to go to a school that puts in such effort to discuss and question issues of development and global citizenship and what not . . . ohh yes, cheesy sentiment indeed!

Anyways, I spent my week going to an obscene amount of lectures. I think I clocked in approximately 12 hours of additional lectures above my typical school week . . . oh yes, geekiness abounds. But here's the part that I love about all this nerditry, I feel so rejuvenated!! There were so many people there that had taken a similar path in academia as I currently am . . . they were out and making a difference through education and action. What more could a girl ask for?! Dang! I just feel pretty much awesome right now. I heart International Week.

Ha! I'm off to go take pictures and whatevs. When I return I shall be reading till my crazy heart is content. I shall rue the day!!!


Stephanie said...

I was in SUB and all of a sudden this huge line formed and I had no idea what was going on. But it turned out to be a human rights lecture. Maybe you were in line. I don't know. It was crazy

chelsey said...

ohhh it was probably Stephen Lewis . . . it was apparently crazy packed. I didn't get to see him which is a shame because I think he's neato!