Tuesday, March 07, 2006

b side is a-team

So I haven't posted in a week because I am inept at all things internet-like. It took me a week to figure out that my internet was down because the powercord for the modem had come unplugged . . . an entire week wasted because of a pathetic cord and a simple fool. le sigh.

I would tell you all about my adventures during my internetless week but Gilmore Girls awesomeness calls!! Just know that my week was filled with fun and goodtimes abounds with some friends I like to call Johnny Cash, rum and arts vs crafts. Jealous I'm sure!!

Mostly my brothers, I am excited because tomorrow is the In-Flight Safety/The Most Serene Republic show which is happiness abounds for Chelsey. I think I will dress like a russian peasant girl for the show and all will exclaim how abundantly cool I am!! They will cry "You are abundant with cool!!" and I will smile knowingly.


Keltie said...

YOU ARE ABUNDENT WITH COOL, CHEL! I thought maybe you could use some practice before the show. I hope you are smiling knowingly.

Have an awesome time at the show.


chelsey said...

thank you friendals!!