Saturday, March 18, 2006

sasky lapper

** Edit: I used to have a quote from Batman under this picture but it came off looking cheesy and completely emo if you didn't get the reference . . . then again, if you didn't understand the reference I pretty much would hate you anyways because I heart all things Batman. Whatevs.

Oh ho ho I have just returned from dancing in the snow . . . nerdiness abounds!! Everything was wonderful and fresh and I was dancing like a banshee amongst the powder. When I move melted snow drips off my head and reminds me how fucking cool I am!! Ohhh jealousy.

I have come up with a genius way to spend my day . . . I'm going to wear an obscene amount of layers of varying knits and degrees of awesome, light a fire downstairs, sit around listening to the Velvet Underground's Loaded and enjoy that far out sound. Admit it, it's the greatest plan evah!!

So yesterday was fun and goodtimes abounds . . . my afternoon was filled with many free pitchers of beer as me and my Scottish history class went out to celebrate St. Patrick's Day with style and flare. Namely, it was me with a few polysci buddies that crashed the table (ohhh they can hear the siren call of free beer from miles around) screaming at each other about free will, determinism and music. It was pretty much amazing/lame. Whatevs.

My evening was also spent with my good friend intoxication. Well, that and schmeltrex, also a good friend of mine. I was convinced that I was trapped in a cheesy memory montage. Conversely, schmelt was explaining her conviction that my parents were complete Freudian perverts with naming of my the family pets. A cat named "Puss" and a dog named "Rocket" . . . honestly!!

It's time to rock out my brothers . . . okay byeee!!!


Captain Rocket said...

Loaded is one of the best records EVAR. Regardless of what you are doing, it is perfect to listen to.

chelsey said...

agreed!! it is one of my most favoritest.