Tuesday, March 14, 2006

pretty much awesome with cold

To stave off these moody blues that I seem to be going through I have declared today to be a day of comfort and goodtimes abounds. So far I have enjoyed about a gallion of soup and anything else that is warm and embracing . . . ohhh the soup obsession, it's almost horrifying how much soup I have/continue to consume today. Currently, I am making Carrot Ginger soup which promises to be healthy and delicious . . . and not to mention, warm. Warmth is key to my happiness, my brothers, when I am cold I am but a mere shadow of my former self. I can feel the warm glow of neurosi swelling up inside. Neat!

Whatevs, I'm off to consume the world's store of soup and hot water! I am one mean muthafucker.

Peace out!


Captain Rocket said...

This made me think of my old "Space Ghost and Dino-Boy" tape where Dino-Boy is nearly eaten by vultures and then falls in a lake and catches a cold, so his caveman pal Ugg makes him soup. Vulture soup.

chelsey said...

ohhhh space ghost!

i am willing to bet that vulture soup would be the greatest soup EVAH!!

bring on the soup I say!!

chelsey said...

so blogger won't let me post anything . . . le sigh. i feel sad and empty.