Thursday, November 24, 2005

stephen harper is voldemort

Oh my, it's the final paper push before exams. Ha! Sleep deprivation is the muthafucking shit. Tonight I have to write a paper on capitalism and how it steals the very soul of the worker . . . me and Marx are like best friends, always and forevah! Then it's on to fun and goodtimes with Afghanistan and cultural history and what not. Le sigh, I loves me education.

Mostly, I am concerned that all this academic junk will impede my going to the Ladies and Gentlemen show on Saturday. I really want to see the tambo-rockin awesomeness that is L&G. That and also Pickpocket is playing at the Metro this weekend, of which, if I miss it my insides will slowly turn to sadness and death. Quite frankly, sadness and death is just simply unacceptable right now. The weekend mocks me with all it's potential!!

Fuck you weekend of greatness!!

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