Sunday, May 15, 2005

the shut-in miss chelsey

I just finished watching The Talented Mr. Ripley, which was all good and proper as a psychological thiller should be. I'm trying to make good of my promise to myself to fill every waking second with films . . . it really is a nerdy obsession. So far I would like to think that I am doing quite smashingly!! Pathetic, true, but soon my brothers you will be green with envy when I can claim the thrown of movie nerd extraordinaire! I shall begin the preparation of the crown . . . it shall be constructed of tinfoil (much akin to Duffy, my lifesized tin foiled astronaut) and many a red glitter hot glue goodness.

Unfortunetely, by liking this movie it throws a wench in my packed nerd schedule. When I had originally viewed this movie I had completely loathed it . . . I did not account for this turn of events. Now how many films did I dismiss due to a previous distaste for it?! Oh it's going to freaking rape the carefully crafted list . . . stupid liking of a film.

A while back I decided to structure my viewings and therefore maintaining the intregrity of the film era being viewed. . . now to account for this change of events, I'm going to have to begin theme nights to cram it all in. Tomorrow shall begin the Al Pacino night, good things like Godfather Part I, Scarface and Serpico!! WOOT! Al Pacino at his sexiest . . . now he's old and creepy, and extremely lacking the Mick Jagger old man fuck power; he's just raspy and saggy. But then there was Godfather I and the amazing hotness of.

It's exhausting being an uber-nerd.

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