Monday, June 20, 2005

adventures with hithero

Ohh today is going to be a day of greatness. I shall spend the entire day in a near vegetative state, only to leave when I hear the call of espresso, and then return to resume my veggy-like ways. I like eggplant . . . I intend to sit on the sofa and just concentrate on becoming one such vegetable. Purple is a smashing color to bring out the green of my eyes.

I have developed the most pathetic habit of awesomeness as of late. I am so eager to indulge in the internet that when my alarm goes off to ring in the morning, I greedily grope at my laptop as I wipe the sleep out of my eyes. It's sad really, it's the first thing on my mind. I read through all my favorite blog haunts and then preceed to read the news and worldy happenings. It's has gotten to the point that I am almost excited to be awake because surely in the few hours I am alseep someone has posted something amazing. The sky is literally falling in the Prairies and we are doomed to be consumed by the North Saskatchewan River, and I am pathetically consumed by the internet and the greatness of. Neat!


Evil Bunneh said...

Very addicitive indeed...

chelsey said...

indeed old bean

Evil Bunneh said...

bean soup sauce