Friday, June 03, 2005

sometimes i wish so hard to be a pirate, i can feel my leg turn into pine

I really love my clothes when I don't look at them. I mean, I practically want to hug some of my little gems in my wardrobe but resist the urge as I figure that takes me one step closer to crazyland. But there's always a problem when I look at them. It's that little tag on the collar, that little tag that is emblazoned with the phrase "MADE IN CAMBODIA". Hallo wallowing guilt. I just went shopping today and now I am feeling completely at odds with new purchases. Made in Cambodia by tired tiny hands of hungry children . . . it makes me feel like ass.

I was debating how crappy I feel on the way to rent a movie. As luck would have it, once I arrived at movie house, I watched a gaggle of seagulls ward off a single determined crow over a piece of sullen pizza. It was fun and goodtimes abounds. That muthafucker was beyond willing to get his ass kicked for a sweet piece of that far out sound. I watched till I got bored and went home.


Mona said...

just a random reader wanting to say that I think your site is very interesting! keep up the posting!

chelsey said...

thank you for the randomness!!!