Wednesday, June 01, 2005

death to cantalope girl

Holypiss! I have realized that I hate everything that is younger than me. Me and The Mombles decided to hit up the moving pictures tonight only to be harrassed by preteens throughout. Fuck!! What the shit is so sodding important that you must garble on throughout the entire movie . . . yes I'm talking to you chubby chick in the third row with the worst fucking unportioned body ever!! It was like a sodding cantalope on a freaking toothpick and she would constantly find another inane detail to ramble on with to her friends throughout the entire film. HELLO RANTING!!! I kept telling The Mother to show her the swift rule of law with the back of her hand but she refused. So chubby cantalope girl, if I ever see you on the street you best fucking run because ima shank ya!

Yea nice a refreshing rant . . . brilliant. On to the rest of my evening.

I have finally embraced the idea that I am an autistic jerk. As I was driving to pick up my most favoritest meal, late-night sushi, a lowly mosquito wandered into my motor vehicle. To some this would be met with the an unreserved slap into the window and no more. Did I handle it with such an eloquent and approperiate attitude? Hell no! I preceded to scream "west nile, west nile" and flail my limbs like a total nancy boy (or girl as it were). Needless to say the gent in the car next to me had a really great expression on his face like constipation mixed with a bit of self-reflection. I'm an idiot. Neat!

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