Tuesday, June 21, 2005

ragu and i are forming a stratagem for world domination

Since I posted last night I have been completely consumed with wanting to run out outside and scream like a banshee as I proceed to vandalize the property of my fellow neighbours . . . because screaming like a banshee won't draw any attention to the fact that I'm hold a spray can, it's simple logic my brothers. I just so excited to actually feel artistic again! I blame photography which has become my full-time hobby, I can't leave the house without my camera as it makes me feel uncomfortable in all sorts of awkward/fun ways.

Since I have become a totaly slave to my camera, I have noticed the details of the places and faces around me with a sudden intensity. It is impossible for me to go for a walk without finding a bazillion things to photograph. It's exciting to stumble around outside and find the art in everything . . . the angles, the colors, or just general awesomeness. Oh ho ho my brothers, I am so thrilled right now. I am off to rule the day with my camera!!


Evil Bunneh said...

i too like taking photos of random things....

chelsey said...

because randomness is AMAZING